Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gallagher Library Temporary Closure August 6-27

The Gallagher Library will be closed Tues., Aug. 6-Tues., Aug. 27, inclusive as they are having their main floor carpet replaced. As Aug. 5 is a holiday, their last full day of operations will be Fri., Aug. 2. 

Staff will be working out of the Taylor Family Digital Library, and can be reached at gallagher.library@ucalgary.ca. If you need to get a book from the collection, place a hold in the catalogue; staff will be able retrieve holds, and you can pick them up at TFDL. The only exception to this is August 8-13, where staff will NOT have access to the Gallagher due to asbestos removal. Holds may still be placed, but they will not be picked up until August 14.

If you have questions about the closure, feel free to stop in this week!

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