Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Workshop - Reading List Tool: How It Can Help You as an Instructor


The library has licensed a course reading list tool (brand name “Leganto”). It was “soft-launched” over the summer and is now available in D2L to help you create and reuse reading lists and clear your course reserve readings with the Copyright Office. Some benefits of the tool are:

  • Copyright clearance from within the tool
  • Analytics (what are students reading?)
  • Students can comment on the readings individually
  • Ability to add to course readings during term (and see if there is auto copyright clearance)

The library is holding a workshop on the Reading List Tool.

Reading List Tool: How It Can Help You as an Instructor

By the end of the workshop, participants will:
•    Create a course reading list using the Reading List Tool.
•    Add references from the library, and from the web.
•    Review analytics to understand how your readings are being used
Session facilitated by: Susan Beatty and Marc Stoeckle

January 28, 2-3pm
Registration Required



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